


Warning: This may be an old version of the document. The current version can be found here.

The Pattern Datatype

This is a first public draft of a standard defining a regular expression dialect for use in FHISO standards. This document is not endorsed by the FHISO membership, and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time.

The public mailing list is the preferred place for comments, discussion and other feedback on this draft.

Latest public version:
This version:

This document defines a “least-common denominator” regular expression dialect. An explicit goal is to have all patterns be trivially modifiable to work with as many mainstream regular expression engines and libraries as possible.

In particular, in interest of compatibility, the pattern in this document


Conventions used

Where this standard gives a specific technical meaning to a word or phrase, that word or phrase is formatted in bold text in its initial definition, and in italics when used elsewhere. The key words must, must not, required, shall, shall not, should, should not, recommended, not recommended, may and optional in this standard are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119].

An application is conformant with this standard if and only if it obeys all the requirements and prohibitions contained in this document, as indicated by use of the words must, must not, required, shall and shall not, and the relevant parts of its normative references. Standards referencing this standard must not loosen any of the requirements and prohibitions made by this standard, nor place additional requirements or prohibitions on the constructs defined herein.

Derived standards are not allowed to add or remove requirements or prohibitions on the facilities defined herein so as to preserve interoperability between applications. Data generated by one conformant application must always be acceptable to another conformant application, regardless of what additional standards each may conform to.

If a conformant application encounters data that does not conform to this standard, it may issue a warning or error message, and may terminate processing of the document or data fragment.

This standard depends on FHISO’s Basic Concepts for Genealogical Standards standard. To be conformant with this standard, an application must also be conformant with [Basic Concepts]. Concepts defined in that standard are used here without further definition.

In particular, precise meaning of string, character, term, datatype, structured non-language-tagged datatype, and pattern are given in [Basic Concepts].

Indented text in grey or coloured boxes does not form a normative part of this standard, and is labelled as either an example or a note.

Editorial notes, such as this, are used to record outstanding issues, or points where there is not yet consensus; they will be resolved and removed for the final standard. Examples and notes will be retained in the standard.

The grammar given here uses the form of EBNF notation defined in §6 of [XML], except that no significance is attached to the capitalisation of grammar symbols. Conforming applications must not generate data not conforming to the syntax given here, but non-conforming syntax may be accepted and processed by a conforming application in an implementation-defined manner.

This standard uses prefix notation when discussing specific terms. The following prefix bindings are assumed in this standard:



As defined in [Basic Concepts], a pattern is a regular expression intended to provides a constraint on the lexical space of a datatype. This document defines both the types:Pattern datatype and the semantics of what it means for a string to match a pattern.

Matching and Languages

A pattern is an element of the types:Pattern datatype. Every pattern is said to match a (possibly-infinite) set of strings. The set of strings that a particular pattern matches is defined by the contents of the pattern itself, using the rules specified in this document.

This draft is inconsistent in its use of “match” vs “match”. It is not clear which is preferable.

[Basic Concepts] currently refers to “match” as an undefined word, which is convenient because not all uses of “match” in that document refer to matching a pattern (others match EBNF productions, Accept headers, informal requirements, etc.) That flexibility is supported by not formally defining “match”.

Conversely, much of this document presents a formal definition of what it means to match a pattern or its component parts. That formality suggests “match” should be a formally-defined word.

As an alternative, the entire document could be re-written to define the “language of” a pattern as many theoretical computer science text do, which would greatly reduce the occurrences of the word “match”. This draft has taken the position that “language” it too important a word in other genealogical contexts for its formal definition herein to be wise.

Those familiar with theoretic computer science might be used to referring to the set of strings matched by a pattern as the “language of” that pattern, and referring to the pattern itself as a “regular expression”. Since these terms are not necessary to define the semantics of a pattern, and since “language” in particular has a second, more common, and very important meaning in genealogy, this document does not make normative use of those terms.

Consider the pattern[ab][cd]?”. The set of strings that that pattern matches is {“a”, “ac”, “ad”, “b”, “bc”, “bd”}. We say that “[ab][cd]?matches the stringa” and does not match the string “aa”.

Hierarchical Definition of Patterns

This section presents a set of definitions that fully define both the lexical space of the types:Pattern datatype and the set of strings matched by a given pattern. It does this by introducing and naming several intermediate concepts. These intermediate concepts are presented for expository purposed only and may be changed or removed from future versions of this standard. In particular, this documents’ presentation of the following key words should not be directly referenced in other documents: regular expression, branch, piece, quantifier, atom, normal character, metacharacter, banned character, escaped character, character class, positive character class, negative character class, character range, wildcard.

The list of key words defined in this document that should not appear in other documents is inelegant, but defining these terms is not a principle goal of this document either. However, definitions of patterns that do not name (at least most of) these parts are hard to follow.

Components that Match Strings

The following components define portions of patterns which match strings

Regular Expression

A regular expression consists of one or more branches. Between each branch is a single U+007C | character.

regExp ::= branch ( '|' branch )*

The set of strings matched by a regular expression is the union of the sets of strings matched by its branches.


A branch consists of one or more pieces. The pieces of a branch appear adjacent to one another with no intervening characters.

branch ::= piece piece*

A branch matches a string s if and only if a prefix of s matches the first piece of the branch and the remainder of s matches the remaining pieces.

While the above is definition of branch matching does not appear to be ambiguous, is it formally incomplete as it does not define what it means for a string to “match the remaining pieces”. The following is more rigorous, but also more verbose:

A sequence of n pieces (where n ≥ 2) matches a string s if and only if s can be represented as a concatenation of n strings s1 s2sn such that s1 matches the first piece in the sequence, s2 matches the second piece, and so on with sn matching the last piece.

A branch matches a string if either (a) the branch consists of only a single piece and that piece matches the string, or (b) the branch consists of a sequence of pieces and that sequence of pieces matches the string.

Feedback is invited on which version is preferable.


A piece consists of an atom, possibly followed by a quantifier.

piece ::= atom quantifier?
quantifier ::= [?*+] | ( '{' quantity '}' )`
quantity ::= quantRange | quantMin | QuantExact
quantRange ::= QuantExact ',' QuantExact
quantMin ::= QuantExact ','
QuantExact ::= 0 | [1-9] [0-9]*

The set of strings matched by a piece depends on the quantifier used. If S is an atom and L(S) is the set of strings matched by S then

Piece Set of strings matched
S L(S)
S ? the empty string, and all strings in L(S)
S * all concatenations of zero or more strings in L(S)
S + all concatenations of one or more strings in L(S)
S {n,m} all concatenations of at least n and no more than m strings in L(S)
S {n} all concatenations of exactly n strings in L(S)
S {n,} all concatenations of at least n strings in L(S)

When the above table refers to “strings in L(S)”, the strings do not need to be distinct.

If L(S) is {“a”, “b”} then L(S *) includes an infinite number of strings, including "“,”a“,”b“,”aa“,”ab“,”ba“,”bb“,”aaa", etc.
If L(S) is {“a”, “b”} then L(S {3}) contains 8 strings: {“aaa”, “aab”, “aba”, “abb”, “baa”, “bab”, “bba”, “bbb”}.
The above omits {,n}, which some regex dialects allow as a shorthand for {0,n}.
The above omits the lazy quantifiers *?, +?, etc., which some dialects allow to select between derivations of a particular string.
The above prohibits {02,12} and other leading zeros in quantities.

An atom is either a normal character, an escaped character, a character class, or a parenthesised regular expression.

atom ::= NormalChar | escapedChar | charClass | '(' regExp ')'

An atom that is a parenthesized regular expression matches the same set of strings as its regular expression (the parentheses do not directly contribute to the match).

An atom that is a normal character or escaped character matches any single-character string containing the character represented by the normal character or escaped character.

An atom that is a character class matches any single-character string containing a character within the character class.

Components that represent characters

The following components define portions of patterns which represent single characters

Normal Character

A normal character is any character that is not a metacharacter or a banned character.

Each normal character represents itself.

The metacharacters are ‘.’, ‘\’, ‘?’, ‘*’, ‘+’, ‘{’, ‘}’, ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘|’, ‘[’, and ‘]’.

The banned characters are ‘^’, ‘$’, ‘&’, ‘/’, and the escapable control characters U+0009, U+000A, and U+000D.

The above REQUIRES that metacharacters do not appear as normal characters unescaped. Some dialects are more permissive, allowing e.g. } to appear unescaped, but that must not be done in patterns.
The banned characters have special meaning in some regular expression dialects, and as such must not appear unescaped in any pattern.
The set of banned characters was selected by a survey of several regular expression dialects, but may be incomplete. Community input on other characters that may have special meaning in some dialects is invited.
Escaped Character

An escaped character is a U+005C \ followed by a single character, which must be a metacharacter, a class metacharacter, a banned character, or one of U+0074 t, U+006E n, or U+0072 r.

An escaped metacharacter, class metacharacter, or banned character represents the metacharacter, a class metacharacter, or banned character itself.

An escaped U+0074 \t represents the character U+0009 (the horizontal tab).

An escaped U+006E \n represents the character U+000A (the line fed).

An escaped U+0072 \r represents the character U+000D (the carriage return).

Some dialects of regular expressions allow any character to be escaped without special meaning, but others do not or have additional special meanings for some characters (such as \f, \A, etc). For maximal compatibility, patterns must not escape characters other than those listed above.

Code-point escapes (e.g., \x{2F2E} for ) are not provided in this specification because they are not supported in some common regular expression engines such as POSIX and XML. Instead, Unicode should be expressed in the same encoding used by the strings being checked for membership in a regular expression’s language.

If the chosen engine is byte- rather than code-point-oriented, care should be made that (a) quantifiers bind to characters, not bytes; and (b) character class ranges are correctly handled. Binding can be achieved by adding parentheses around each multi-byte character; how to achieve character class ranges is not known in general by the authors of this specification.

Class Character

A class character is either an escaped character or a single character that is neither a class metacharacter nor a banned character.

The class metacharacters are ‘.’, ‘\’, ‘-’, ‘|’, ‘[’, and ‘]’.

Because banned characters are not permitted unescaped as class characters, “[A-^]” is not a pattern (as it includes the banned character^’) even though it is accepted by some regular expression engines.
class character might be clearer if we add a definition for class normal character (like we do a normal character)

Components that define sets of characters

The following components define sets of individual characters.

Character Class

A character class is either a positive character class, a negative character class, or a wildcard.

charClass ::= posCharClass | negCharClass | wildcard
Positive Character Class

A positive character class is a set of one or more character ranges within brackets.

posCharClass ::= '[' charRange+ ']'

A positive character class defines the union of the sets defined by its character ranges.

The ranges do not need to be mutually exclusive nor presented in any particular order.
Character Range

A character range is either a single class character or two class characters separated by a U+002D -.

charRange ::= classChar | classChar '-' classChar

If a character range has two class characters the second must not have a numerically lesser code point than the first.

A single-class character character range defines the singleton set containing only the character that its class character represents. A two-character character range defines the set of all characters with code points that are both

Negative Character Class

A negative character class is a set of one or more character ranges, preceded by U+005E ^, within brackets.

negCharClass ::= '[^' charRange+ ']'

A negative character class defines the set of all characters that are not within the union of the sets defined by its character ranges.


A wildcard is represented as U+002E ..

wildcard ::= '.'

The wildcard defines the set of all characters.

The above definition includes new line characters in .. When using an engine that does not do so, replace all . with something else, such as (.|[\r\n]), (.|\s), or [\s\S]. Which one works depends on the engine in question.

The types:Pattern datatype

FHISO uses the types:Pattern datatype to represent patterns. It must not be used for pattern-like regular expression variants that do not conform to this standard’s definition of a pattern.

In ECMAScript, “/^.[.]$/” is a regular expression that matches a two-character string ending with a period. Because this is not a valid pattern, it does not have the types:Pattern datatype.

The lexical space of this datatype is the space of all strings that match the regExp production in §

Thus the string([A-Z][a-z]+ )*” is within the lexical space of this datatype, but “^\x{FFEF}.*$” is not, despite being a valid regular expression in some engines.

This is a structured non-language-tagged datatype which has the following properties:

Datatype definition
Pattern .*
Supertype No non-trivial supertypes
Abstract false

Dialect Guide

This entire section is non-normative.
This section is incomplete, and mostly added to as a sanity-check to see if engines I use can handle these regexs. It should probably either be removed or completed.

Following are some suggestions for making regular expressions in the above dialect work with various regular expression engines.

C++11 std::regex
Use the ECMAScript variety and regex_match (not regex_search). Replace non-escaped . with (.|\s).
C++ boost::regex
Use the ECMAScript variety. How to ensure full match not known to the author of this document.
Surround expression with ^()$. Replace non-escaped . with (.|\s).
Surround expression with ^(?s)$.
Use the RegexOptions.Multiline option or replace non-escaped . with (.|\n). Surround expression with ^()$.
Use m/^()$/s.
Use the PCRE_UTF8 option. Surround expression with ^()$.
Use the PCRE2_UTF and PCRE2_DOTALL options. Surround expression with ^()$.
Surround expression with /^()$/us with the preg_… functions.
Requires extensive modifications. Basic mode required escaping metacharacters. Things that do not require escaping may forbid escaping and require pre-processing to strip \s.
Use the re.DOTALL option. In Python 3.4 and later, use the fullmatch function; otherwise use match and surround the expression with ()$.
Surround expression with /\A()\Z$/m.
Replace non-escaped . with [\s\S].


Normative references

[Basic Concepts]
FHISO (Family History Information Standards Organisation). Basic Concepts for Genealogical Standards. First public draft. (See
[RFC 2119]
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. Scott Bradner, eds., 1997. (See
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1, 2nd edition. Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, François Yergeau, and John Cowan eds., 2006. W3C Recommendation. (See

Copyright © 2017–18, Family History Information Standards Organisation, Inc. The text of this standard is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.